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Engage your mind each day

It is so important to make sure that you are intentionally engaging your mind each and every day. What I mean by that is for example, when you eat breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack I want you to consciously think about how you feel before you eat, while you're eating, and after you've eaten.

When you take a walk, go to the gym, or just doing house hold chores, you should keep a journal of how you were feeling before, during and after. Also, when you're laughing, engaged in conversation, reading a book or just sitting on your porch/deck and just enjoying the sights and sounds happening around you, I want you to write down how you feel, what it is that you're feeling and why do you feel that way.

Engaging your mind like this ever day, you're stimulating your brain and releasing a feel good chemical called dopamine, and the more of that feel good chemical that gets released, the happier we are ! The more energetic and motivated we become to put action to our ideas, our goals and ultimately our dreams.

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